A well-connected transport infrastructure strengthens Europe’s competitiveness
05 February 2025
50 European transport organisations urge the Member States and the Commission to create a predictable stable EU budget line for EU transport infrastructure funding.
Especially in uncertain times, Europe cannot afford to go in the direction of less connectivity, less internal cohesion and less Europe. A European approach offers added value by harmonising efforts and pooling financial resources, achieving outcomes that an individual national approach alone cannot effectively deliver.
The transport sector supports the shift to an EU budget that is more flexible and agile, yet a long-term strategic and stable investment planning to complete the trans-European network for transport (TEN-T) with centralised coordination at European level remains indispensable.
The transport sector therefore urges the Member States and the Commission to choose for an approach that strengthens Europe, to preserve a strong and centrally coordinated dedicated European transport funding instrument that prioritises investments of high European added value, and to strengthen the resilience and connectivity of Europe’s transport network, which is fundamental to achieve Europe’s priorities.