The 3-year CRISTAL project, bringing together 15 partners, focuses on the development of inland waterway transport (IWT) and its infrastructure.
The key objective of the CRISTAL project is to increase the share of freight transport on IWT by minimum 20% and to demonstrate on its three pilot sites (Italy, Poland and France) strategies to improve reliability by 80%. The CRISTAL project will assure IWT capacity at 50% even during extreme weather events.
Towards this aim CRISTAL will co-create, test and implement integrated, cooperative and innovative solutions in its three pilot partners’ areas identified in Italy (Po), France (Moselle, Seine) and Poland (Vistula, Odra).
The project will include the aspects of technological innovation/development and digitalisation.
Further advancement towards the physical Internet, governance solution and business models will be proposed while targeting sustainability and infrastructure resilience requirements.