Upgrade of Gambsheim lock
The Action, located at Gambsheim, aims to tackle bottlenecks in river navigation and in access to large ports for the countries along its banks (Germany, France and Switzerland). Specifically, the Global Project, located at Gambsheim, aims to fully upgrade the site to meet the needs of modern navigation on the Rhine. The Action is part of a Global Project with 3 phases that will help enhance navigation performance by adapting facilities dating back to the 1970s to new environmental and climate challenges.
The Global Project is split in 3 phases:
Phase 1: Ensure the availability of the structure for the upgrade of the control command and automation. This phase was completed before the beginning of the Action.
Phase 2: Upgrade of the first Gambsheim lock (lock 1), dredging works and upgrade of the Rhine Alert and Nautical Information Centre of Gambsheim (CARING) facility (the Action concerns the works of this phase 2 only).
Phase 3: Upgrade of the second Gambsheim lock (lock 2). In order to allow the navigability on the Rhine, the upgrade of the second lock (lock 2) will be conducted after the completion of the upgrade of lock 1 and its reopening. The relevant site consists of twin locks and two monitoring and intervention buildings controlling river traffic one of which is the Rhine Alert and Nautical Information Centre of Gambsheim (CARING). Other than the upgrade of infrastructure, the Action aims to prevent bottlenecks that would be catastrophic not only for river navigation in the strict sense, but also for access to large maritime ports for the countries along its banks (Germany, France and Switzerland).
Responsible authority: Voies navigables de France

From 01 March 2020
to 11 November 2023